Don’t Be Fooled by Imitation On-Demand Company Stores: 4 Keys to Finding a TRUE On-Demand Partner

True on-demand company stores are rare, however, most distributors will lead you to believe that they produce items on-demand. As of this blog, there are probably less than 10 distributors that run true on-demand programs at scale through their own On-Demand Company Store technology. This reality underscores the importance of verifying claims. Ensure that your chosen partner can genuinely offer authentic on-demand services.

This model requires substantial investments in technology, infrastructure, and a skilled team. They are essential for handling in-house decoration company store operations. Many promotional product distributors boast about offering “on-demand” services. However, a closer examination often reveals that these claims are merely superficial, relying on a traditional inventory model disguised with a trendy buzzword.

Unmasking True On-Demand Production: Essential Criteria for Selection

To identify a genuine on-demand promotional products distributor, consider these critical questions:

  1. Customization and Flexibility: Can the distributor build a truly custom online store featuring a diverse array of brands, colors, sizes, and product types, all without minimum orders or pre-stocked inventory? Any hesitation or mention of minimum order requirements likely indicates adherence to a traditional model, which contradicts the fundamental principles of on-demand services.
  2. In-House Decoration Capability: Does the distributor decorate in-house, or is it outsourced? Outsourcing is a common obstacle to achieving true on-demand capabilities, as it often introduces minimum order requirements and extends production timelines, thereby diminishing the model’s effectiveness.
  3. Technology Ownership: Is the technology platform proprietary to the provider, or is it leased from a third party? As of today, there are no third party vendors who offer an on-demand platform for rent that ties into outside vendors to run a full online company store.  They do exist for special orders and pop-up stores, but not full company stores.
  4. Order Flexibility: Are there minimum order quantities for items intended to be produced on-demand? The necessity for batching small orders together is not true on-demand production and your orders will be held up until the minimum decoration quantity is met.


True On-Demand: A Game Changer for Company Stores

At iCoStore, we don’t just claim to offer on-demand production; we live it. By decorating items one at a time and doing so entirely in-house, we avoid the pitfalls of minimum orders and delayed production times. This approach offers several distinct benefits:

  • Unmatched Customization: Our online company stores enhance your brand identity, but are customized to work with your current workflows and integrate seamlessly. 
  • Reduced Waste: By eliminating the need for inventory, your company can significantly lessen its environmental footprint.
  • Faster Turnarounds: Our streamlined process ensures that products reach your employees quickly, enhancing satisfaction and engagement.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Only pay for what you need, when you need it.

The Future is On-Demand

Don’t settle for imitations and do your homework before settling for a store that isn’t what you expected. By partnering with a true on-demand provider like iCoStore, you can unlock the full potential of your online company store. Embrace a solution that empowers your brand and delights your employees with its efficiency and customization possibilities.

Are you ready to experience the power of true on-demand? Contact iCoStore today and discover how we can help you create a customized, efficient, and responsive company store solution.

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Spend just 8 minutes on our survey to learn valuable insights about your store and explore what’s possible. Our goal is to educate and be a resource for you to find the right online company store partner, even if it isn’t iCoStore. Take the survey now!

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