Beyond Sales: Building A Successful Online Store Through Client Engagement

Building a successful online company store iCoStore

Written by Tom Meissner

Tom founded iCoStore in 2002, leveraging his corporate market, product design, and decoration experience to create a unique platform for online company stores. Now recognized as an industry expert, Tom helps companies optimize their programs and find the best solutions.

In the world of online company stores and logo merchandise, many promotional product companies rely on commission-based sales structures. While this might seem like a win for employers (they only pay when sales are made), it often creates an environment where salespeople prioritize their own wallets over building long-term customer relationships. At iCoStore, we believe this approach contradicts our core values and is not conducive to building a successful online store.

  • Customer Focus: Our goal is to recommend the best solutions for your company, even if it means suggesting a smaller order or talking you out of an unnecessary purchase.
  • Long-Term Relationships: We want to be trusted partners, not just another vendor. Building trust starts with honest communication and transparency.
  • Honest Service: Commission pressure can incentivize misleading tactics. We believe in straightforward communication that prioritizes your needs.

Empowering Our Team Through Salary, Not Commissions

By paying our account managers a salary, we remove the pressure to push sales at all costs. This allows them to focus on what truly matters:

  • Building Rapport: Getting to know your brand, your company culture, and becoming an extension of your team.
  • Understanding Your Needs: Taking the time to analyze your specific requirements and challenges.
  • Custom Solutions: Developing a company store program that perfectly aligns with your goals, not ours.

Success Measured Beyond Sales Numbers

At iCoStore, a client’s success is our success. That’s why we don’t solely measure our account managers’ performance by sales volume. Instead, we focus on metrics that reflect strong client engagement and program variety:

  • Client Engagement: How actively your team utilizes and interacts with their online store. This includes metrics like order frequency, product browsing behavior, and support ticket usage.
  • Program Variety: Encouraging clients to explore and benefit from the full range of services we offer. This could include company stores, incentive programs, custom branded print materials, and more. A diverse program demonstrates a strong understanding of your company’s needs.

The Right Fit for Long-Term Success

We understand that a successful online store hinges on a strong partnership. That’s why we take client selection seriously. We vet and onboard clients at the corporate level, ensuring a good cultural fit. Then, we carefully match each client with an account manager who possesses the right personality and skillset for their specific needs.

The Takeaway: Building Trust, Not Just Selling Products

In the world of online company stores, a focus on collaboration and client success yields far greater rewards than a commission-driven approach. By prioritizing trust, transparency, and long-term relationships, we can build successful partnerships that positively impact your brand and empower your business.

Ready to ditch the commission game and experience a client-centric approach to online company stores? Contact iCoStore today and let’s discuss how we can create a winning partnership for your business!

Want a complete evaluation of your current company store?

Spend just 8 minutes on our survey to learn valuable insights about your store and explore what’s possible. Our goal is to educate and be a resource for you to find the right online company store partner, even if it isn’t iCoStore. Take the survey now!

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