icostore online company store incentive rewards program background




A longtime customer needed to transition their employee service awards (anniversary program) to us. Their current service awards program sent all employees the same gift and certificate, year after year. It was not exciting and employees had a negative reaction to it, to the point that it was a joke around the company.  It felt like they were not being recognized for their loyalty. HR needed an anniversary program that properly recognized and rewarded employees for their years of service.

Service Award Program Execution:

We worked to understand the challenges with their current program and why it had failed. We talked to employees and received feedback about what they thought would be appropriate for each anniversary.  We captured their employee demographics and budget for each milestone. Once all of the data was compiled, we sourced appropriate name brand, non-logo products. We built a selection of product options for each service award, which covered all of their demographics. We designed custom electronic email cards to be sent out automatically on their anniversaries.  The email was a fun, happy message from their president. In the email were login instructions and user info for service awards store. Our system generates unique emails based on their years of service on their actual anniversary date. Employees get to a large selection of options and can select one item.

Service Award Success:

Employees felt appreciated and gave very positive feedback about the new program and they loved getting to choose something, instead of all receiving the same item. The company send new hire data to us quarterly and we update their roster. Their management time is minimal, which is very different than their original hands on program, where they were managing the program internally. Service awards programs/anniversary programs are very easy to set up and administer using the tools we have built. The return on investment is well worth it for employees and retention.  With very little effort, we can have a custom anniversary program online for your company.


Need a Service Awards Program?

We can help structure a program & have you online within a few weeks.

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